Harn character - Palindor d'Frenzo


Palindor was an orphan child found wandering the streets of Burzyn. Merma of Chesand, the apothecary, tended Palindor (and in fact named the boy) until he could be fostered out. Soon, he was adopted by an unguilded scribe named Jemann and his wife Ephare' in the town of Hieath, just south of Burzyn. Jemann was afraid his wife had become barren after the birth of their first son Darcien. However, Palindor was the second of what eventually became six boys that were to fill the d'Frenzo household (the fourth boy was killed in a wagon accident in 713 at age 9). As the number of mouths to feed grew, Palindor's popularity fell until he was spending most of his time helping Shorpeld of Racyn, a somewhat questionable merchant with an equally questionable connection with the Mercantyler's Guild. As Palindor could write, he often "helped" Shorpeld create bill of sale documents for his shipments. At age twelve their growing friendship, along with Shorpeld's mysterious clients, eventually garnered Palindor an interview with (and eventualy acceptance as a "helper" to Gwydion of Aleath, a master in the Guild of Arcane Lore in the Nurisel Chantry on the island of Melderyn. An adept student, Palindor patiently learned all that Gwydion would teach him. As part of an agreement reached between Shorpeld and Gwydion, Palindor returned to Hieath for a month each summer to handle Shorpeld's book needs. This break stretched the teaching process but gave Palindor time to learn the more concrete aspects of life. At age nineteen, Gwydion honored Palindor with the title of Lyahvi Satia.


Palindor was a waifish boy, an appearance that has followed him into adulthood. He is short at 5' 4" and light at 105 lbs. While not ugly, his initial appearance is that of having features that don't really belong together.


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Alan Fleming alanf@dorje.com