The cat of the house:


Leon was adopted in 2018. He was around 2 when we got him and has FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus). He is now the absolute center of our world!


Kia was also adopted in 2018 at the same time as Leon. She was around 11 when we adopted her and she also had FIV. She and Leon bonded immediately and were best pals for three years until 2021 when she passed away from congestive heart failure.

Previous cats of the house include:


After Rinnie went away, I'd been wanting another cat. My then-girlfriend had asthma and was allergic to cats so I'd been holding off. When she mentioned that she'd always wanted a Siamese, I jumped at the chance. In early September I found Basmati (aka "Baz the Spaz") at the Denver Pound. He was apparently born in June '97 and had this cute kittenish desperation for attention. His energy stayed high for his entire life. He was often the terror of the house and is was constantly annoying Soc and Lily! He's was very entertaining, wasn't real bright (you know its obvious when your vet says "He's a little goof-ball isn't he?" after watching him bump into things, but was also very affectionate with us humans.) He passed away in June of 2014 at the age of 17.


When I adopted Baz, there was a cute little tortoise-shell kitty that was really affectionate. While picking up Baz, the veterinarian tech mentioned the Tortie was scheduled to be put down soon since no one had adopted her. After a short delay, I decided to rescue the little sweetie. Thus, Jasmine (aka "Jazzy") also joined my household in 1997. She was about a month older than Baz, was his best friend and his complete opposite. She would sit in your lap for hours, just purring and enjoying the attention. She passed away in November of 2017 at the age of 21.


When my wife Jonna and I moved in together, the household got another cat larger! Her cat Lily had been the neighborhood huntress at Jonna's previous house in Marshall but is now the princess of our house as an indoor only kitty. She's earned the nickname Gollum because of her split personality: one minute a devoted purring lap cat, the next a arching, hissing angry ball of fur. Lily was born in April of '95 and passed away in 2017 at the age of 22.


I used to have another cat but she got out one day and never returned. The mountains aren't a friendly environment for house cats. :-(

This is Rinpoche (aka "Rinnie") when she was still a kitten. She was another homeless kitty, living under the building where I was working in the summer of '91. Unfortunately, her mother (a wild Siamese) trained her to be scared of humans so she was skiddish around strangers. She was really loveble around me but few other people ever got to see what a sweet cat she was. Rinnie was 5 years old when she disappeared in 1996.


This is Socrates (aka "Soc"). Soc made his way into my life as a wee little kitten at a Benefit concert for the Homeless in Atlanta in September of 1989. He passed away on Jan 11, 2008 after living a long, happy life. He was my companion and was the greatest cat! (All those other cat owners are just deluded.)

To understand the cat's world, here are some photos of the interior of our home.

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Alan Fleming