I came, I thawed, I transferred.... Survive Minnesota and the rest of the world is easy. If you love Minnesota, raise your arctic shoe! Minnesota - where visitors turn blue with envy. Save a Minnesotan - eat a mosquito. Minnesota - home of the blonde hair and blue ears Minnesota - mosquito supplier to the free world. One day it's warm, the rest of the year it's cold. Minnesota - come fall in love with a loon. Minnesota - Land of many cultures - mostly throat Where the elite meet the sleet. Minnesota - Closed for glacier repairs. Land of 2 seasons: Winter and Construction Minnesota - Glove it or leave it. Minnesota - Have you jumped started your kid today? There are only 3 things you can grow in Minnesota: Cold, Older and Fatter Many are cold; but few are frozen. You are entering Minnesota: Use Alternate Route Minnesota - Theater of sneezes Jack Frost must like it in Minnesota - he spends all of his time here. Land of the ski and home of the crazed. Minnesota - the ice age land that time and God forgot. Plenty of lakes and no sharks. In Minnesota, ducks don't fly south, people do. Spring in Minnesota: When you can see the curbs and sidewalks.