The Top 14 Euphemisms for Corporate Layoffs 14. Dissing the Gruntled 13. Improving the Odds in the Office March Madness Pool 12. Fueling Demand for Lottery Tickets and Malt Liquor 11. The Corporate Catch-and-Release Program 10. Giving You a Shot at Posting Your Very Own Negative-Growth Quarter 9. Causing 404s on the Career Server 8. Moving 1/3 of Your Workforce to Within a Dead Dog and a Cruel Woman of a Blues Classic 7. Giving Bruce Springsteen Something to Sing About 6. Issuing Transfers to 5. H.R. Ruffstuff 4. Hiring a Bunch of New People, Only Backwards 3. Ass-Harvesting on the Cubicle Farm 2. Beaming the Red-Shirted Extras Down to the Evil Monster Planet 1. Separating the Wheat From the Wheat That Doesn't Kiss Enough Ass